Rio Grande Racecourse Half Day
$60 Child
Every spring and summer, thousands of people flock to the popular rivers around the world to see the beauty, experience adventure and make memories with loved ones. And while most rivers have many commonalities like water, rapids and fun, they are all, each of them, unique. This year is special in that a lot of the rivers have more flow than usual, making them perfect for your fun experience. That said, we are going to show you a list of rivers which we think is perfect for your 2019 river rafting Bucket list. With that, read on and enjoy!
Of course, when creating a bucket list, you have to include a bucket of beer. That’s why this trip is the perfect start to any bucket list. Not only do you experience the wonders of the Rio Chama, you get to experience it with an ice cold beer in hand. Now, while you won’t actually be going down the river with a mug of beer in your hand, your trip will be taking a small detour off the rapids to have a quick swig before getting back on the raft. Man, what an experience!
The Racecourse is possibly one of the best trips you could ever go on. If you are only ever to experience a single trip in your whole life, this is the one you should choose. Not only is it perfect for first time rafters, because the water levels are especially high this 2019 rafting season, it has absolutely perfect conditions for all whitewater enthusiasts. So, this should most definitely be put in the first or second position on your 2019 river rafting bucket list.
If you’re not much of a drinker, but you are intrigued by the Rio Chama, you might want to dive headfirst into one of the Rio Chama’s signature 3 day trips. While usually only the more experienced take on this venture, it is an action-packed adventure with stunning sites of the colorful sandstone and limestone canyon walls that anyone can go on. You’ll easily be able to strike a few “first’s” off your bucket list with this trip. Trust us, it’s a must for any bucket list.
If you aren’t ready to commit to 3 days on the whitewater rapids, don’t worry. This last bucket list river rafting trip is perfect for those who want to live on the edge, but not too much. With this 24 hours on the Rio Grande trip, you’ll get to experience the rapids in the daytime, an amazing night with campfire stories and a morning with a hearty breakfast and another day filled with more of the river. While it is not as immersive as the 3-day Chama adventure, it still has all the makings of a wondrous river rafting bucket list item!
In conclusion, it’s always good to note that no matter how big, or small, your budget is, you should always make sure to have enough for experiences as opposed to things. Because, while objects, trinkets and things will pass away and fade, experiences will stay in your memories forever.
Rio Grande Racecourse Half Day
Rio Grande Gorge Rafting Full Day